Footer notes
So much to say about the enormity of David Lynch as an artist. RIP ❤️
I’ve been watching a ‘David Lynch In Conversation’ video hosted by the Gallery of Modern Art, 2015, and this jumped out as a remarkably beautiful and relevant sentiment:
There’s a point where a thing is finished, and… nothing is ever really perfect, but it’s finished, and it feels complete, and then there’s a very good feeling. And it opens the door to the future.
— David Lynch
Really enjoyed MoviePass, MovieCrash—it tells an engrossing cultural story from the recent past. The core idea of getting people to the movie theatre through a truly appealing subscription, letting chains fight it out like movies do at the box office, was a great one. Hope the “corrected” (no spoilers) relaunch works.
Just came across Open RSS—it's fantastic. It creates feeds for outlets that have chosen to remove their own ones in recent years due to prioritising the wrong things (tracking engagement). RSS is a very effective way out of algorithmic madness, and to get your news from varied sources. A simple chronological timeline of content, from whatever set of publications you trust to give you a full picture.
I would recommend watching Jimmy Carter's state funeral (the ABC broadcast is good). There's a lot in there, both in speeches and appreciation, and the dynamics and body language of ex-Presidents and politicians in attendance. One of my favourite US Presidents. RIP ❤️
Always remember a close friend saying to me around age 19, paraphrasing: “I’d like to think there’s something left to discover in life, like when you reach 7 or so you discover Christmas, then when you reach 18 they tell you something else.” Now that I’m older I realise that does exist in adulthood, though very few talk about it after discovering it. It’s whatever age when you realise the psycopathic influences at play in the world, how they are much stronger than you were led to believe, and how truly stone-cold and rotten-hearted the bastards are—though of course, many slither through life posing as moral. Maybe even a saviour of one kind or another, with varying degrees of subtlety. Point being… it does exist. How cool is that? There is a need for Jedi in the world.