Frying an Egg

Frying an egg is a simple task with a multitude of ways in which it can go disastorously wrong.

The three fundamental factors which decide the success of a fried egg are: the amount of oil used; the heat of the pan; and the cracking and setting of the egg into the pan.

1. The Amount of Oil Used

Don't skimpt on the oil. Too little and the egg white will stick to the bottom of the pan, which can lead to deformation of the shape of the egg white, a burnt egg white on the bottom, an unevenly cooked yolk, or in the worst of cases… a burst egg yolk.

You don't want to deep fry the egg, on the other hand. The amount of oil should be enough so that swaying the pan back and forth will wash a thin layer of oil completely over the egg white, while minimising contact with the yolk.

2. The Heat of the Pan

The heat of the pan should be even throughout the complete cooking time. It should be as low a heat as possible while immediately starting to turn the egg white opaque when it hits the pan.

3. Cracking And Setting The Egg

The trickiest part of frying an egg is breaking it on the side of the pan, and setting it in the pan. The egg should be cracked cleanly in one strike, to allow maximum control when you prise it open to drop its contents in the pan. Don't pour the egg into the pan, but allow it to drop as a single piece, so the natural shape remains intact. You are aiming for the white to spread evenly into a circle with the yolk perfectly in the center.

4. Cooking

As soon as the egg hits the pan the white should begin to turn opaque and stop spreading. Begin washing the oil over the egg immediately by swishing the pan back and forward, to free it completely from the bottom of the pan. The white on the bottom of the egg should be as soft and unburned as the white on the top by the end of cooking time. When the egg white immediately surrounding the yolk on top is completely opaque, the task is complete. Try to accomplish this by swishing oil over the top without cooking the yolk itself.

James Lanternman writes movie reviews, essays, and moonlit thoughts. You can reach him at [email protected].

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